We Know Basements...
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Serving New Jersey Residents for Basement Waterproofing .
FAQ's About Basement Waterproofing
1.Why should I fix my basement?
There are many reasons…a healthier living environment, increased living and storage space, avoiding further structural damage to your foundation, increased property value, and peace of mind.

2. What if my basement is finished?
Our Inspectors have numerous solutions to choose from with little impact on the interior finishes. This may include such simple things as removing a section of the paneling or drywall, removing the baseboard or pulling back the carpet.

3. When should the work begin?
Actually, you must wait 3 business days after you sign a contract before the work can begin. This is a state law. The consumer has 3 business days to check out the other companies or to just simply change their minds -- NO EXCEPTIONS!
4. How long should the job take?
It varies depending on the size of your basement (or crawlspace) and the complexity of the job. Either way, it should not take longer than 3 working days.
5. How do I know I am choosing a reputable company?
The BBB is a great way to start: Are there any complaints against the Company? If so, what are they for?
Angie’s List Check the rating and take a moment to read the reviews
Department of Consumer Affairs, make sure there are no complaints against the Contractor
How long has the Company been in business? Longevity counts
Must have references in your surrounding area, Contractor should provide landline phone numbers, when possible
If the Company implies mold Remediation Contractor must have a Certified Trained Technician on site
For your protection Contactor must be O.S.H.A compliant
Company must perform all work, NO-SUBCONTRACTOR or “INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS”
United Waterproofing guarantees the areas waterproofed to be free from water leakage as long as you own the property and is transferable to one additional Owner.